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April 26th, 2013 browsing by day


It’s that time again.

Friday, April 26th, 2013

Nothing like waiting until the last minute, but here I am, having just submitted my Mr. Linky for tomorrow’s 24-hour readathon. I seem to manage one of the two each year, and more often in April than October. This weekend looks to be lovely, weather-wise, but I don’t want to spend too much time traveling to outdoor reading destinations, so, we shall see how far I drift from home and the Western Prom.

I’ve finally unpacked ALL THE BOOKS, after nearly three years in my apartment. I also treated myself to the first two books in Rick Riordan’s Kane Chronicles, The Red Pyramid and The Throne of Fire, when I picked up my Flood Certificate at Longfellow Books last weekend. So, in response to family crises and to celebrate quitting smoking and to welcome Spring, Dewey’s Readathon, here I come!
