E-mail questions, suggestions, proposals, or other correspondence to Kirsten at FemmeFlavor dot com.
FolioFiles is part of FemmeFlavor.com, also the host site of Frugal Femme’s product reviews. All content is the property of the author and may not be reproduced without credit and a link back to the original work.
Hello there! I’m David and I saw your website as I was doing a Yahoo and google. I want to learn how you feel your website compares towards your competitors. Is it possible to generate sufficient visitors with it? I ask since I see potential for making it an integral part of your companys advertising plan. By boosting it and making it more appealing And customer-friendly to your market, it can supply the boost that you will be looking to achieve for the expanding business.
Ive been in this business for many years and that i have witnessed start-up firms expand exponentially through the use of their webpage to the full . We can reach that goal in 1 or 2 methods.
1. We can build on the actual design and style that you have, by enhancing the layout or introducing much more enjoyable features upon it to hold clients on your site
Hi! My name is Ed and I am a web marketing professional. My team and I specialize in marketing and designing amazing sites for our client.My team and I would like to help you achieve your goals online. I believe that a website is the best representation of a companys core values. It should send a clear message of what the business is all about it should be attractive, easy to navigate and informative without being boring as well as being easy to manage and work with your budget.
can provide you a design that contains these features and discuss details further. I am offering a free website consultation where I will take a look at your current site and see what we can do to help you achieve your goals with it. This consultation will only take a few minutes of your time and the value you will receive from my information will make it worthwhile.
Let me know when you would be available to have this discuss further and get you started.
Ed Frez
If you are not interested in your analysis or do not wish for me to contact you just let me know by replying with the word remove in the subject line.
Hi there!
I’d like to check in with you to know if you’ve been planning on making any upgrades/changes to your website? I’m a freelance creative web developer, and I’ve created some pretty amazing sites. Let me know if you’d like to see some examples and I’ll send them. I’ll also help you out if you’re considering to rebuild your site.
My rates are very affordable so please let me know if you’re interested. I’ll be happy to give you a free consultation over the phone with more information and a quote. Kindly reply about the best time to for me to reach out and call. Talk to you soon!
Best regards,
Theresa Watson | Lead Web Designer
Hi there,
I sent you this email because your website seems like it could use a boost in terms of how much traffic go through it. I can assist you with that since I’m an expert in helping website owners get more unique visits from Google search and making sure they get a higher ranking in major search engines.
Kindly let me know if you want to know more about what I can do and what to expect once your website has been optimized. I can give you a call at the most convenient time for you, so I can provide you with more info about how this optimization can benefit your business. Just tell me when’s the best time to call you. I hope we can talk soon!
Priscilla Schwartz
p.s. If you’d like to be excluded from any of my emails, please email me back to inform me and I will remove you from my list. Best Regards.
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Do you feel that your website is somehow lagging behind your competition? How do you feel when you don’t see your website on top of Google searches for the exact keywords that you have been vying for? Are you ready to solve your problems?
I’m a freelance online marketer looking for new clients who are interested in boosting their website’s productivity so they can generate more sales. Most websites listed on the first page of search results tend to be more trusted by consumers and they also get a massive amount of traffic from being in the top spots. This makes their profits go up substantially. Meanwhile, the sites found on the next few pages are overshadowed, thus missing out on a lot of opportunities.
Is your site able to make a good amount profit for your business? If not, then I’d like to offer you some professional help. If you’d like to learn more about my services and how I can help you in making your website more profitable, please write back to let me know who to contact and please inform me about the best time to be in touch them. I look forward to your reply.
– Mario Ferguson