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January 19th, 2010 browsing by day


Sacrilege, or pure genius??

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Okay, maybe “genius” is stretching it a bit. Errrr, more than a bit. But I digress. Tonight, I am sharing with you my utter ridiculousness, paired with my unfailing resourcefulness – allow me to present Exhibit A:

Part of me is cringing at the idea of using the books  (and shelves, which haven’t yet been re-mounted) to support and weigh down the kitty tower as the wood glue dries, but another part finds it hilarious and perfectly fitting. I really don’t own anything else heavy and versatile enough, and clamps wouldn’t work anyway because of the carving. So, I consider it justifiable.

‘Fess up, my friends – what alternate uses have your books been put to around the house? Tippy table fixes, pressed flower receptacles, doorstops?