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Manic Monday

Written by Kirsten on April 19th, 2010

Mondays have a terrible reputation, and it’s not entirely fair… but at the same time? It’s Monday’s fault that my weekend is over. So how can I be anything but a bit resentful?

At any rate, it’s been another big week since the Readathon, with lots of planning and hoping and planning some more. I’ve officially become a fan of Lost, and we’re about halfway through the first season, maybe a bit further? on DVD and streaming Netflix. If you have a Wii, PS3, or Xbox (I think), you must request the disc to stream from your TV; it makes Instant Play a whole new feature, I swear. In the world of reading, I’ve got three books “actively” in progress, with two others in not-quite-abandoned states of partly-read, and still haven’t made my way over to my catalog to finalize all of the owned/lost/new since summer additions and tags. But, the weather is finally allowing for some fire pit action in the back yard, the beach is beckoning, and it’s baseball season! The Red Sox are playing crap baseball, but they only have one day off in the rest of April, so we caved and paid for MLB TV and watched them this weekend. We also managed to get some sightseeing in with a dear friend visiting from Chicago yesterday, and took lots and lots of pictures; tourist days are fun!

How’s everyone’s week kicking off? Anyone else do anything fun this weekend?


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