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Booking through Thursday

Written by Kirsten on April 29th, 2010

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God* comes to you and tells you that, from this day forward, you may only read ONE type of book–one genre–period, but you get to choose what it is. Classics, Science-Fiction, Mystery, Romance, Cookbooks, History, Business … you can choose, but you only get ONE.

What genre do you pick, and why?

*Whether you believe in God or not, pretend for the purposes of this discussion that He is real.

First of all, thank all higher powers that I will never actually have to make this decision! Were I forced though, it didn’t take long to decide that I’d choose fantasy (provided I didn’t have to distinguish between adult, YA, and youth titles). The realm of fantasy is so broad that, though “it’s all been done” and of course there will be some formulaic plots and regurgitated settings, there is much more scope than with other genres, in my opinion.

How about you?


17 Comments so far ↓

  1. Aaaaaaaa!!!! So much for a loving God!

    I really don’t know what I’d pick. My problem is that I tend to go through genre phases (currently in a sci-fi phase). I suppose if forced to choose I’d go with classics, that way I could still read everything from chick lit (Jane Austen) to horror (Dracula) and still get some sci-fi (War of the Worlds). Yep, I think classics would be the way to go.
    .-= biblioholic29´s last blog ..For the love of Sci-Fi =-.

    • Kirsten says:

      Ooh, good call – and the best part would be that “classics” would eventually include everything you wouldn’t be “allowed” to read right now! ;)

  2. Mine is a total toss up between Prison/Law based books to memoirs…

    I must agree, this is an evil thing to make someone decide…*sigh*
    .-= Reckless Reasoning´s last blog ..Hilariously Disgusting LOL =-.

  3. Sinta says:

    Maximum in the class is 12 (during October to June) and 15 (during July to September). However average class sizes range from 4 to 10 depneding on the time of the year. The exact number depends on how many people grade at that level of English. If you know the time of the year you will study then we can give you a better guess.The one-to-one lessons are of course individual.We grade all students from Beginner (A1-) to Proficiency (C2) on arrival, so you will always be in a class that is correct for your level. There are 7 levels in total.

  4. The ability to think like that shows you’re an expert

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