My consumerism doesn’t stop with books themselves, ohhhh no – accessorizing is a way of life. Here are a few of my reading-related purchases from the last few months:
The Peeramid

While part of me wishes I’d researched a bit more and purchased the Book Seat instead, I’m happy overall with this lightweight bookholder that moves with me from bed to couch to backyard. The benefit is more something to prop my book up against than something to actually hold it, which is my only real qualm; I have carpal tunnel, and would LOVE to read truly hands-free. Meanwhile, though, this gives me a free hand, I only need to hold the book lightly against the peeramid, and the built-in bookmark means no fumbling for one when I need to step away quickly – like when the cat’s about to topple a stack of books on the computer desk. Whoops.
Thumb-mounted page holder/bookmark

Very handy (hand-y – get it?? hahaha, I kill me) way to keep your book, particularly a tightly-bound paperback, open wide without muscle or tendon strain. The angle isn’t perfect, but it works well enough. It’s probably more convenient for slower readers than I, though; I find myself having to move it whenever I get to the bottom of either side of the page so I can see the last few lines.
Magnetic Bookmarks

I couldn’t find the exact ones I got, but I found a four pack of penguins and a four pack of sassy shoes on these little one-inch-square magnetic page clips. I thought they were lightweight plastic when I bought them, but they’re just glossy card stock. They probably won’t last long for that reason, but they’re adorable and functional, and they were inexpensive enough that a few books’ worth of use from each will suffice.
What sorts of book-related purchases have you made? Or do you think more in terms of, “If I don’t get that reading lamp, I can get two more books…”?